I really don't have much to say about each individual show, so I'll just lump them all together.
Does anyone believe that Roslyn would seriously lie hardfaced to all those people? It just goes beyond anything I can imagine, almost to the point where I believe her. But then I remember the words of an ex-boyfriend I had in 9th grade...if you're going to lie, lie to the end. I love me some Chris Harrison though, and I thought that was one low blow she threw at him. Crackwhore.
Um, Real World. This season supersucks. I mean the girl with the long brown hair is so fucking whiny and can someone tell Josh how ugly he is, forget his horrible voice? I *adore* Ericka, but I think it's cause she has an absolutely amazing voice and she reminds me so much of Kristin. I seriously think that the idiot with the animal hats needs to be jailed because he fer sher is a date rapist. I saw some of the cartoons he did that got him kicked out of college and um, yeahp, Future Rapist of America right there. And I really like Cally. But, they're boring. Ty needs to be arrested as well. Actually, him and Animal Hat guy should share a cell and trade turns being the girl. That will serve them both right for being such abusers with their "masculinity". Ugh. I don't know, it's like this season disturbs me a little. I still watch because there's nothing else on Wednesdays.
16 & Pregnant: This is my first season watching and I didn't realize that each episode is just on one girl. Then what happens? That first girl needed to get kicked in the teeth. It breaks my heart to see those babies not paid any attention to. I try not to judge, because I would have been the same exact way at 16, but I don't know...I guess this is where the whole pro-choice thing comes in to play and I just rather that baby not be here than to see the way they're treated. Thank God for grandmas. Oh my God, and the boyfriend on the 2nd show?! He bothered me so much more than the first girl did. What an ASSHOLE!! I was so proud that his mother wasn't all "I'll stand by my son no matter what" and was correcting his blatant disrespect towards his girlfriend's mom, but jeez, she could have taken it a step further and pulled him by the ear. I just think I'm not cut out for this show because I can't really put myself in their shoes. It's too hard for me, emotionally and intellectually. I much prefer the other show, which of course, I can't remember the name of ...Teen Mom?
And RHOC...Wow. Alexis never particularly floated my boat, but she never really annoyed me either. I just thought she was full of shit and that was that. But this show, she just totally annoyed me. First, can someone tell her she really isn't pretty? She's got some great legs, but her face is banging. And the whole "ears pinned back" just cracks me up. Because sure, maybe you got them fixed, but honey, the gene carries and when you have kids, they'll have the ears, too, only to serve as a constant reminder of your own insecurities. And her husband is creepy. I guess selling your soul isn't always worth it.
Up until now, Tamra's husband never seemed as bad as they made him out to be. Maybe because to me, he's just like most latin men in S. Florida. I think now, he seems like a total jerk, but it isn't because he's really a jerk as much as it is that he sees his marriage is falling apart and he is miserable and doesn't know how to fix it. Even the sweetest man (which he isn't) would seem like a total dick under those circumstances. I don't think it's wrong want to take your wife away from toxic people or to not travel without you or whatever else Vicky complains about. I mean, in the range of dysfunctional, it's always Vicky's marriage that makes me feel much weirder than anyone else's.
You know, I love Gretchen. Always have. I think it's hilarious that she laughs at her own jokes and I just think she's the "realest" one there. She has something that really appeals to me and I don't know what it is.
Lynn. Ugh. Worse yet, Lynn's creepy daughters. What the fuck?! Unless we're missing something, I can't believe the overreaction to the financial situation, especially when, if you look in the mirror, you are at least half of the equation deserving blame, if not 3/4ths. I really think it's more like 3/4ths because you created those creepy, bloodsucking, melodramatic, money hungry girls of yours.