Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh Man, You're Going to Kill Me...

I fell asleep!!!!!!!!!!!  Agh!!!  Bryan was jumping on my head and doing everything possible not to fall asleep and I eventually conked out before him. 

Have no fear! TiVo is here!!!  Just give me time to watch it.  I would do it now, but I want to enjoy it and the kids will be bouncing on me if I try and watch TV.

Come back tomorrow for the Bachelor recap!! 

Anyone watch the Kardashians?

Guiliana & Bill?


I'm thinking of getting into Bravo's new show on Monday nights, too.  The one with Kelly from the Hills?  Who's with me?  :)

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I watch both Guiliana and Bill and The Kardashians when I happen to see them.. Jersey Shore I watched with a little more intentionality. THe Bach and Teen Moms is a DVR'd never miss an episode. Same with Real World and any challenges. And Survivor - and OF COURSE any and all Peal Housewives. I'm sure that's not it......